Thursday, November 20, 2008

CodeIgniter - a PHP web framework

Last friday at Sapo Codebits i had the chance to get involved in a project that uses a PHP web framework. Well, this is quite a novelty to me, since i don't do any web development for about 3 or 4 years, and the last time i did it, it was for a university project using PHP in the most horrible way i've ever seen, sticking all the code directly in the html file.

These new web frameworks out there (CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Django, Ruby on Rails, etc.), give a refreshing way to build your applications. Using the MVC model, you can separate what is background operation from what is presented to the user. This might not be new for you, but it is for me :) .

CodeIgniter is in my opinion a pretty good web framework, and ables you to develop a simple application from scratch very quickly. It is oriented to performance and small footprint, and it is ideal for people that don't want to loose a lot time configuring everything and be forced to restrictive syntax rules like in CakePHP.

Starting to develop is very simple, you just download the tar.gz or zip file, extract it, and copy it to your web directory root, modify a couple of files to reflect your database configuration and site url, and your ready to start some really awesome code typing!

The site has some video tutorials that i truly recommend if you what to try it, and good and clean documentation. It has also links to tutorials and more videos made by community users, with contents ranging from initial setup and basic introduction to web 2.0, ajax, and advanced features.

Oh and i forgot to mention that CodeIgniter is Open Source, so you can download it, use it and modify it if you like. Well for me this is quite important :)

I recommend it! Give a look at:


  1. Nice! It was just what I was looking for to do a small backoffice for "my" website.
    I always thought that PHP, though powerfull, was kind of "messy" when compared to other "cleaner" scripting languages, let us see if CodeIgniter changes my POV.
    BTW, what kind of things are you doing with it?

  2. At the moment, besides of following tutorials to increase my knowledge on the framework, i'm currently starting a sort of CMS for a startup company, nothing to complex but useful.
