Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dump terminal output to a file

Easy way to redirect the output of a command to both file and terminal:

bash$ my_command 2>&1 | tee my_log.txt

Great =)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Killing processes started in the current terminal

Imagine you're running some application, lets call it "foo", using an unix user shared with your work colleagues, and this application is also launched by them at the same time you're working. So along the time you may have several instances of this application, several processes with distinct PIDs. And all the sudden you need to kill all the instances that you previously launched but you need to avoid to kill the ones being used by your fellow colleagues. This is one way to do the trick.

Start by retrieving your tty (teletypewriter),

bash$ tty

And then kill the process "foo" for the current "tty" you're using,

bash$ kill `ps -le | grep foo | grep "pts/4" | cut -d" " -f6 `

PS: If know a way to include the retrieval of the tty inside the grep command let know =)